Tuesday, March 30, 2010

day eightyeight 3.29.2010

really really foggy day today. the river and the mountains looked like the clouds were flowing down and over like fabric or liquid. i love the reflection of the fog on the hudson here.

day eightyseven 3.28.2010

last day in providence-

we were kinda futzing around after breakfast and rob suggested we go down to the basement for 5 minutes so sue could show us what she learned at ladies rock camp. we wound up spending way more than 5 minutes down there, having an amateur jam session. it was seriously fun, and i discovered i really like playing the drums, with lots of cowbell. sarah is so musically gifted she instantly rocks at any instrument she touches. there wasn't enough space to get a photo with everyone in it, so i am posting multiple pics to get everyone in. note the baby bump behind the bass-

day eightysix 3.27.2010

a few images of a day in providence with friends-

sarah, nicole, sue and i went to the farmer's market in pawtucket this morning- it was packed, and i am a bit envious of all the seafood sellers they have in ri markets. there was a bluegrass quartet, blue eggs, and blue spring flowers. afterwards, sue, sarah and i went to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants in providence, rue de l'espoir, where it looks as if sarah has walked straight into a happier version of a manet painting. then we walked around wickendon street, which hasn't changed at all since i lived there in my first apartment 14 years ago. and yes, that is a flower shop next to an erotica shop. i think some of those staples on the telephone poles from flyers of shows gone by have been there since i lived there!

day eightyfive 3.26.2010

spending the weekend with sarah and nicole at sue and rob's house in providence. they have these lovely little paper lanterns that kinda glowed from the light nearby.

Monday, March 29, 2010

day eightyfour 3.25.2010

my friend sue recently found out she is pregnant with twins, so some of us are going to providence this weekend to visit her before baby a and baby b arrive. i am bringing twin-themed gifts that will hopefully make her smile and chuckle. here are the babies' first converse, and i am also bringing doublemint gum, little twin stars towels, and my favorite gift for someone pregnant with twins, doublestuffed oreos.

day eightythree 3.24.2010

Murphydog decided to try and sit on my lap. this is what it looked like.

day eightytwo 3.23.3010

one of my students missed a class recently and brought me apples from the orchard he works at to make it up to me. i've never gotten the proverbial apple for the teacher before!

day eightyone 3.22.2010

view from route 32 in new paltz as i drove home in the rain

day eighty 3.21.2010

as i walked past this jeep down by the river this afternoon i overheard a man explaining how he used to ride in a jeep like this in vietnam. he told the woman he was with (and me, because i am nosy) that it was so hot there they always rode with the top off, so the vc would put wires across the roads to clothesline the soldiers. they added the vertical metal bar on the front of the jeep because of this- if you look closely there's a notch in it to cut the wire. no explanation for the child seat in the back though.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

day seventynine 3.20.2010

Murphy and I went back to Fahnestock on this amazingly warm and sunny day, and this time we brought Nate with us. Nate packed a picnic and a hammock, so after lunch we hung out at one of the vista points swinging in the hammock. Nate took this picture without me knowing about it when he jumped out to help untangle the dog from around a tree.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

day seventyeight 3.19.2010

the trees on route 9d at dusk while speeding by

day seventyseven 3.18.2010

had a great afternoon and evening in the city with jc, visiting sarah at the museum of art and design, splitting a black and white cookie, and going to an opening for one of his former professors. on the train home, i had finished reading amy's book (so great!) and still had most of the train ride to go, so i took photos out the window until a couple people seemed offput by it.

day seventysix 3.17.2010

I went to Barnes and Noble today to get my first copy of my dear friend Amy Ignatow's book, The Popularity Papers: Research for the Social Improvement and General Betterment of Lydia Goldblatt and Julie Graham-Chang. I knew it would be there, but still I squealed out loud when I found it on the shelves. I asked one of the employees to take a picture of me with the book, which she kindly did, but she had been so taken with how excited I was to find the book that she insisted I re-enact finding it so she could "capture" that moment, even though it was not the actual moment. The book is wonderful and awesome and its existance makes me happy, so I highly recommend picking up a copy. Not only is it available at Barnes and Noble, it's also at Borders, amazon.com and cool independant bookstores all over.

day seventyfive 3.16.2010

It's spring break this week, so I have most of the week off from work. The weather has been beautiful, so Murphy and I spent the afternoon in Fahnestock State Park. There's been so much rain and snow, and there was such a big storm recently that a lot of the trail was a stream or had trees down every few hundred feet. It was a bit slow going but neither of us cared. It's also maple syrup season, so lots of trees around here have the buckets on them like this large old tree near the entrance to the park.

Monday, March 15, 2010

day seventyfour 3.15.2010

i have a few vintage and/or handmade teapots and pitchers that i like to keep out on shelves in the kitchen. here is a pair of spouts facing each other- the one on the left is a handblown one i traded a ring for with a fellow RISD student at a student sale back in the day, the one on the right is one my mom gave me for my birthday a few years ago with a silver chandelier on it.

day seventythree 3.14.2010

don't know why, but i like this windshield picture. and nothing says spring like multicolored radishes at the farmer's market!

day seventytwo 3.13.2010

on my way out the door; i grabbed my camera and realized i had left the camera on overnight. i took this picture in the mirror to check if the battery was dead and i like how the beveled edge of the mirror makes it look somewhat double exposed. do kids even know what double exposed photos are now that everything is digital?

day seventyone 3.12.2010

it's been gray and rainy here. i love how the water makes the trees and rocks darker. the dark trunks against the opaque sky, the colors in the rocks you don't notice when it's dry, the smell of the wet dirt, all these things make me almost okay with it not being snow. here are some stripes of water running down the rocks on lunn terrace near my home.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

day seventy 3.11.2010

while i was leaving the gym, i looked through a window down to the racketball courts on the level below, and was thinking about markmaking and all the marks on the walls, so i quickly crouched down, pulled out my trusty point-and-shoot, and took some not so great pictures of the walls. an employee walked by and pleasantly asked, "oh, is one of your children in there?" realizing there wasn't a simple way to quickly sum up what i was doing, i just said, "no, i'm thinking about markmaking." she looked puzzled and backed away.

day sixtynine 3.10.2010

whenever i travel or go hiking, i like to bring home rocks and shells when possible. there are little rock piles all around our home. this is a bowl from the bahamas with shells and coral from the beaches in Nassau from the trip nate and i went on last thanksgiving.

day sixtyeight 3.9.2010

the favorite toy-du-jour for murphy is a deer antler. he absolutely loves it. all you outdoors people out there, murphy calls dibs on any and all antlers you may want to send his way-

Monday, March 8, 2010

day sixtyseven 3.8.2010

this is a photo of a photo that was taken with a digital camera using an old camera to set up the shot, of one of my favorite diners, the chief martindale. so three cameras were used to make this image.

day sixtysix 3.7.2010

tiffany, who is six months pregnant, and i went shopping for things for her soon-to-be daughter lola's room today! we got to park in the special preggers spot, which she says are always full, so it was a first for her as well as for me!

day sixtyfive 3.6.2010

went poking around some abandoned buildings near the farmers market with murphy and a friend after purchasing apples and camembert

Sunday, March 7, 2010

day sixtyfour 3.5.2010

jennifer k. took me out to poppy's, a great burger place in beacon that uses only happy planet local food stuff to make everything. not only was the black bean veggie burger super tasty, but there was this great pinball game called sure shot from the early 1960s. still works and everything. sweet.

day sixtythree 3.4.2010

the sun has finally returned! this is my kitchen window with the morning sun streaming through.

day sixtytwo 3.3.2010

don't know why this photo is uploading sideways! maybe it knows i am cheating today- i forgot to take a photo, so this is actually from a few days ago. carrie was sweet enough to send me a package with some assorted surprises from Austin TX. she says you've got to send mail to get mail. i am glad there are people out there that still believe in the USPS.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

day sixtyone 3.2.2010

i love how footprints leave the lines we walk in the snow long after the event has happened. this photo was taken at night on my way to the faculty parking lot at dutchess community college, heading home after teaching my night 2-d design class.

day sisxty 3.1.2010

i've been teaching one point perspective in my intro to drawing and design class this week and having the students draw the hallway in our building. i wouldn't be surprised if i start dreaming of this hallway-

day fiftynine 2.28.2010

2 days after the big storm, and a lot of people still don't have power. Beacon was hit pretty hard- some people aren't expected to get power back for 3 weeks. lots of trees are down all over the place. here's part of one that i think looks like an upside down tree.

day fiftyeight 2.27.2010

Zoe has been a member of my family since Jan 3, 2004, whereas Murphy recently joined the clan on June 13, 2010. It was not easy at all when he first moved in. We even lived with a baby gate dividing our home in half with stepstools on either side so the cat could roam freely but the dog was contained in a couple rooms for the first two weeks. We weren't sure if they would ever be able to be in the same room as each other, but this is how it looks now. Still not BFFs, but I'll take it.

day fiftyseven 2.26.2010

two points of interest, both of which are fairly obvious-

1) there was a huge blizzard on the east coast. we all got snow days, nate and i wound up eating breakfast at our favorite place in cold spring, and as we sat at the window our friends walked by, saw us, and joined the breakfast festivities. it was a coffee-fueled gathering of friends not going to work on a work day and it was a good time. we spent the afternoon playing in the snow with Murphy W. Presley who loves snow more than he loves cheese dropped on the floor (which is a lot).

b: i have been remiss on posting photos, but i have been keeping them in files with the dates on them, so it's not as bad as it may appear. as a mea culpa, i offer up 4 (yes four!) photos for today. hopefully you will find it in your heart to forgive!